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Unlike other mobile OSes, Android is built with a transparent, open-source architecture. We firmly believe that our users and the mobile ecosystem at-large should be able to verify Android’s security and safety and not just take our word for it.

We’ve demonstrated our deep belief in security transparency by investing in features that enable users to confirm that what they expect is happening on their device is actually happening.

The Assurance of Android Protected Confirmation

One of those features is Android Protected Confirmation, an API that enables developers to utilize Android hardware to provide users even more assurance that a critical action has been executed securely. Using a hardware-protected user interface, Android Protected Confirmation can help developers verify a user’s action intent with a very high degree of confidence. This can be especially useful in a number of user moments – like during mobile payment transactions - that greatly benefit from additional verification and security.

We’re excited to see that Android Protected Confirmation is now gaining ecosystem attention as an industry-leading method for confirming critical user actions via hardware. Recently, UBS Group AG and the Bern University of Applied Sciences, co-financed by Innosuisse and UBS Next, announced they’re working with Google on a pilot project to establish Protected Confirmation as a common application programmable interface standard. In a pilot planned for 2023, UBS online banking customers with Pixel 6 or 7 devices can use Android Protected Confirmation backed by StrongBox, a certified hardware vault with physical attack protections, to confirm payments and verify online purchases through a hardware-based confirmation in their UBS Access App.

Demonstrating Real-World Use for Android Protection Confirmation

We’ve been working closely with UBS to bring this pilot to life and ensure they’re able to test it on Google Pixel devices. Demonstrating real-world use cases that are enabled by Android Protected Confirmation unlocks the promise of this technology by delivering improved and innovative experiences for our users. We’re seeing interest in Android Protected Confirmation across the industry and OEMs are increasingly looking at how to build even more hardware-based confirmation into critical security user moments. We look forward to forming an industry alliance that will work together to strengthen mobile security and home in on protecting confirmation support.

Keeping Google Play safe for users and developers remains a top priority for Google. Google Play Protect continues to scan billions of installed apps each day across billions of Android devices to keep users safe from threats like malware and unwanted software.

In 2022, we prevented 1.43 million policy-violating apps from being published on Google Play in part due to new and improved security features and policy enhancements — in combination with our continuous investments in machine learning systems and app review processes. We also continued to combat malicious developers and fraud rings, banning 173K bad accounts, and preventing over $2 billion in fraudulent and abusive transactions. We’ve raised the bar for new developers to join the Play ecosystem with phone, email, and other identity verification methods, which contributed to a reduction in accounts used to publish violative apps. We continued to partner with SDK providers to limit sensitive data access and sharing, enhancing the privacy posture for over one million apps on Google Play.

With strengthened Android platform protections and policies, and developer outreach and education, we prevented about 500K submitted apps from unnecessarily accessing sensitive permissions over the past 3 years.

Developer Support and Collaboration to Help Keep Apps Safe

As the Android ecosystem expands, it’s critical for us to work closely with the developer community to ensure they have the tools, knowledge, and support to build secure and trustworthy apps that respect user data security and privacy.

In 2022, the App Security Improvements program helped developers fix ~500K security weaknesses affecting ~300K apps with a combined install base of approximately 250B installs. We also launched the Google Play SDK Index to help developers evaluate an SDK’s reliability and safety and make informed decisions about whether an SDK is right for their business and their users. We will keep working closely with SDK providers to improve app and SDK safety, limit how user data is shared, and improve lines of communication with app developers.

We also recently launched new features and resources to give developers a better policy experience. We’ve expanded our Helpline pilot to give more developers direct policy phone support. And we piloted the Google Play Developer Community so more developers can discuss policy questions and exchange best practices on how to build safe apps.

More Stringent App Requirements and Guidelines

In addition to the Google Play features and policies that are central to providing a safe experience for users, each Android OS update brings privacy, security, and user experience improvements. To ensure users realize the full benefits of these advances — and to maintain the trusted experience people expect on Google Play — we collaborate with developers to ensure their apps work seamlessly on newer Android versions. With the new Target API Level policy, we’re strengthening user security and privacy by protecting users from installing apps that may not have the full set of privacy and security features offered by the latest versions of Android.

This past year, we rolled out new license requirements for personal loan apps in key geographies – Kenya, Nigeria, and Philippines – with more stringent requirements for loan facilitator apps in India to combat fraud. We also clarified that our impersonation policy prohibits the impersonation of an entity or organization – helping to give users more peace of mind that they are downloading the app they’re looking for.

We are also working to help fight fraudulent and malicious ads on Google Play. With an updated ads policy for developers, we are providing key guidelines that will improve the in-app user experience and prohibit unexpected full screen interstitial ads. This update is inspired by the Mobile Apps Experiences - Better Ads Standards.

Improving Data Transparency, Security Controls and Tools

We launched the Data safety section in Google Play last year to give users more clarity on how their app data is being collected, shared, and protected. We’re excited to work with developers on enhancing the Data safety section to share their data collection, sharing, and safety practices with their users.

In 2022, the Google Play Store was the first commercial app store to recognize and display a badge for any app that has completed an independent security review through App Defense Alliance’s Mobile App Security Assessment (MASA). The badge is displayed within an app’s respective Data Safety section. MASA leverages OWASP’s Mobile Application Security Verification Standard, which is the most widely adopted set of security requirements for mobile applications. We’re seeing strong developer interest in MASA with widely used apps across major app categories, e.g., Roblox, Uber, PayPal, Threema, YouTube, and many more.

This past year, we also expanded the App Defense Alliance, an alliance of partners with a mission to protect Android users from bad apps through shared intelligence and coordinated detection. McAfee and Trend Micro joined Google, ESET, Lookout, and Zimperium, to reduce the risk of app-based malware and better protect Android users.

We’ve also continued to enhance protections for developers and their apps, such as hardening Play Integrity API with KeyMint and Remote Key Provisioning.

Bringing Continuous Security and Privacy Enhancements to Pixel Users

For Pixel users, we added more powerful features to help keep our users safe. The new security and privacy settings have been launched to all Pixel devices running Android 13, improving the security and privacy posture for millions of users’ around the world every month. Private Compute Core also allows Pixel phones to detect harmful apps in a privacy preserving way.

Looking Ahead

We remain committed to keeping Google Play and our ecosystem of users and developers safe, and we look forward to many exciting security and safety announcements in 2023.

Last week the Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF) announced the release of SLSA v1.0, a framework that helps secure the software supply chain. Ten years of using an internal version of SLSA at Google has shown that it’s crucial to warding off tampering and keeping software secure. It’s especially gratifying to see SLSA reaching v1.0 as an open source project—contributors have come together to produce solutions that will benefit everyone.

SLSA for safer supply chains

Developers and organizations that adopt SLSA will be protecting themselves against a variety of supply chain attacks, which have continued rising since Google first donated SLSA to OpenSSF in 2021. In that time, the industry has also seen a U.S. Executive Order on Cybersecurity and the associated NIST Secure Software Development Framework (SSDF) to guide national standards for software used by the U.S. government, as well as the Network and Information Security (NIS2) Directive in the European Union. SLSA offers not only an onramp to meeting these standards, but also a way to prepare for a climate of increased scrutiny on software development practices.

As organizations benefit from using SLSA, it’s also up to them to shoulder part of the burden of spreading these benefits to open source projects. Many maintainers of the critical open source projects that underpin the internet are volunteers; they cannot be expected to do all the work when so many of the rewards of adopting SLSA roll out across the supply chain to benefit everyone.

Supply chain security for all

That’s why beyond contributing to SLSA, we’ve also been laying the foundation to integrate supply chain solutions directly into the ecosystems and platforms used to create open source projects. We’re also directly supporting open source maintainers, who often cite lack of time or resources as limiting factors when making security improvements to their projects.

Our Open Source Security Upstream Team consists of developers who spend 100% of their time contributing to critical open source projects to make security improvements. For open source developers who choose to adopt SLSA on their own, we’ve funded the Secure Open Source Rewards Program, which pays developers directly for these types of security improvements.

Currently, open source developers who want to secure their builds can use the free SLSA L3 GitHub Builder, which requires only a one-time adjustment to the traditional build process implemented through GitHub actions. There’s also the SLSA Verifier tool for software consumers. Users of npm—or Node Package Manager, the world’s largest software repository—can take advantage of their recently released beta SLSA integration, which streamlines the process of creating and verifying SLSA provenance through the npm command line interface. We’re also supporting the integration of Sigstore into many major package ecosystems, meaning that users can sign and verify artifacts directly from package management tooling, without having to manage keys. Our intention is to continue to expand these types of integrations across open source ecosystems so supply chain security solutions are universal and easily accessible.

We’re also making it easier for everyone to understand their dependencies. Vulnerabilities like Log4Shell have shown the importance (and difficulty) of knowing what projects you depend on and where their security weaknesses might be. Developers can use the deps.dev API to generate real dependency graphs, with OpenSSF Scorecard security scores and other security metadata for each dependency they use. They can also use OSV-Scanner to generate a high quality list of actionable vulnerabilities in those dependencies. In the future, we hope to support automatic remediation and patching through the OSV database service, minimizing the effort that open source developers spend on securing their projects.

Continued community contributions

Ultimately, our goal is to make supply chain security invisible and available to everyone, built directly into each ecosystem for frictionless adoption. To get there, we’ll continue contributing to these efforts and encouraging other organizations who rely on open source to similarly dedicate developers to upstream support. The internet as we know it today wouldn’t be available without open source software, and it’s in everyone’s best interests to give back to the communities that make modern software development possible.

We are excited to announce an update to Google Authenticator, across both iOS and Android, which adds the ability to safely backup your one-time codes (also known as one-time passwords or OTPs) to your Google Account.

Across all of your online accounts, signing in is the front door to your personal information. It’s also the primary entry point for risks, making it important to protect.

We make signing into Google, and all the apps and services you love, simple and secure with built-in authentication tools like Google Password Manager and Sign in with Google, as well as automatic protections like alerts when your Google Account is being accessed from a new device. 

We released Google Authenticator in 2010 as a free and easy way for sites to add “something you have” two-factor authentication (2FA) that bolsters user security when signing in. While we’re pushing towards a passwordless future, authentication codes remain an important part of internet security today, so we've continued to make optimizations to the Google Authenticator app.

One major piece of feedback we’ve heard from users over the years was the complexity in dealing with lost or stolen devices that had Google Authenticator installed. Since one time codes in Authenticator were only stored on a single device, a loss of that device meant that users lost their ability to sign in to any service on which they’d set up 2FA using Authenticator. 

With this update we’re rolling out a solution to this problem, making one time codes more durable by storing them safely in users’ Google Account. This change means users are better protected from lockout and that services can rely on users retaining access, increasing both convenience and security.

In addition to one-time codes from Authenticator, Google has long been driving multiple options for secure authentication across the web. Google Password Manager securely saves your passwords and helps you sign in faster with Android and Chrome, while Sign in with Google allows users to sign in to a site or app using their Google Account. We’ve also been working with our industry partners and the FIDO Alliance to bring even more convenient and secure authentication offerings to users in the form of passkeys

To try the new Authenticator with Google Account synchronization, simply update the app and follow the prompts. 

Making technology for everyone means protecting everyone who uses it. We’re excited to continue building and sharing convenient and secure offerings for users and developers across the web. 

Many web applications need to display user-controlled content. This can be as simple as serving user-uploaded images (e.g. profile photos), or as complex as rendering user-controlled HTML (e.g. a web development tutorial). This has always been difficult to do securely, so we’ve worked to find easy, but secure solutions that can be applied to most types of web applications.

Classical Solutions for Isolating Untrusted Content

The classic solution for securely serving user-controlled content is to use what are known as “sandbox domains”. The basic idea is that if your application's main domain is example.com, you could serve all untrusted content on exampleusercontent.com. Since these two domains are cross-site, any malicious content on exampleusercontent.com can’t impact example.com.

This approach can be used to safely serve all kinds of untrusted content including images, downloads, and HTML. While it may not seem like it is necessary to use this for images or downloads, doing so helps avoid risks from content sniffing, especially in legacy browsers.

Sandbox domains are widely used across the industry and have worked well for a long time. But, they have two major downsides:

  1. Applications often need to restrict content access to a single user, which requires implementing authentication and authorization. Since sandbox domains purposefully do not share cookies with the main application domain, this is very difficult to do securely. To support authentication, sites either have to rely on capability URLs, or they have to set separate authentication cookies for the sandbox domain. This second method is especially problematic in the modern web where many browsers restrict cross-site cookies by default.
  2. While user content is isolated from the main site, it isn’t isolated from other user content. This creates the risk of malicious user content attacking other data on the sandbox domain (e.g. via reading same-origin data).

It is also worth noting that sandbox domains help mitigate phishing risks since resources are clearly segmented onto an isolated domain.

Modern Solutions for Serving User Content

Over time the web has evolved, and there are now easier, more secure ways to serve untrusted content. There are many different approaches here, so we will outline two solutions that are currently in wide use at Google.

Approach 1: Serving Inactive User Content

If a site only needs to serve inactive user content (i.e. content that is not HTML/JS, for example images and downloads), this can now be safely done without an isolated sandbox domain. There are two key steps:

  1. Always set the Content-Type header to a well-known MIME type that is supported by all browsers and guaranteed not to contain active content (when in doubt, application/octet-stream is a safe choice).
  2. In addition, always set the below response headers to ensure that the browser fully isolates the response.

Response Header


X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff

Prevents content sniffing

Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="download"

Triggers a download rather than rendering

Content-Security-Policy: sandbox

Sandboxes the content as if it was served on a separate domain

Content-Security-Policy: default-src ‘none’

Disables JS execution (and inclusion of any subresources)

Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy: same-site

Prevents the page from being included cross-site

This combination of headers ensures that the response can only be loaded as a subresource by your application, or downloaded as a file by the user. Furthermore, the headers provide multiple layers of protection against browser bugs through the CSP sandbox header and the default-src restriction. Overall, the setup outlined above provides a high degree of confidence that responses served in this way cannot lead to injection or isolation vulnerabilities.

Defense In Depth

While the above solution represents a generally sufficient defense against XSS, there are a number of additional hardening measures that you can apply to provide additional layers of security:

  • Set a X-Content-Security-Policy: sandbox header for compatibility with IE11
  • Set a Content-Security-Policy: frame-ancestors 'none' header to block the endpoint from being embedded
  • Sandbox user content on an isolated subdomain by:
    • Serving user content on an isolated subdomain (e.g. Google uses domains such as product.usercontent.google.com)
    • Set Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy: same-origin and Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy: require-corp to enable cross-origin isolation

Approach 2: Serving Active User Content

Safely serving active content (e.g. HTML or SVG images) can also be done without the weaknesses of the classic sandbox domain approach.

The simplest option is to take advantage of the Content-Security-Policy: sandbox header to tell the browser to isolate the response. While not all web browsers currently implement process isolation for sandbox documents, ongoing refinements to browser process models are likely to improve the separation of sandboxed content from embedding applications. If SpectreJS and renderer compromise attacks are outside of your threat model, then using CSP sandbox is likely a sufficient solution.

At Google, we’ve developed a solution that can fully isolate untrusted active content by modernizing the concept of sandbox domains. The core idea is to:

  1. Create a new sandbox domain that is added to the public suffix list. For example, by adding exampleusercontent.com to the PSL, you can ensure that foo.exampleusercontent.com and bar.exampleusercontent.com are cross-site and thus fully isolated from each other.
  2. URLs matching *.exampleusercontent.com/shim are all routed to a static shim file. This shim file contains a short HTML/JS snippet that listens to the message event handler and renders any content it receives.
  3. To use this, the product creates either an iframe or a popup to $RANDOM_VALUE.exampleusercontent.com/shim and uses postMessage to send the untrusted content to the shim for rendering.
  4. The rendered content is transformed to a Blob and rendered inside a sandboxed iframe.

Compared to the classic sandbox domain approach, this ensures that all content is fully isolated on a unique site. And, by having the main application deal with retrieving the data to be rendered, it is no longer necessary to use capability URLs.


Together, these two solutions make it possible to migrate off of classic sandbox domains like googleusercontent.com to more secure solutions that are compatible with third-party cookie blocking. At Google, we’ve already migrated many products to use these solutions and have more migrations planned for the next year. We hope that by sharing these solutions, we can help other websites easily serve untrusted content in a secure manner.

High profile open source vulnerabilities have made it clear that securing the supply chains underpinning modern software is an urgent, yet enormous, undertaking. As supply chains get more complicated, enterprise developers need to manage the tidal wave of vulnerabilities that propagate up through dependency trees. Open source maintainers need streamlined ways to vet proposed dependencies and protect their projects. A rise in attacks coupled with increasingly complex supply chains means that supply chain security problems need solutions on the ecosystem level.

One way developers can manage this enormous risk is by choosing a more secure language. As part of Google’s commitment to advancing cybersecurity and securing the software supply chain, Go maintainers are focused this year on hardening supply chain security, streamlining security information to our users, and making it easier than ever to make good security choices in Go.

This is the first in a series of blog posts about how developers and enterprises can secure their supply chains with Go. Today’s post covers how Go helps teams with the tricky problem of managing vulnerabilities in their open source packages.

Extensive Package Insights

Before adopting a dependency, it’s important to have high-quality information about the package. Seamless access to comprehensive information can be the difference between an informed choice and a future security incident from a vulnerability in your supply chain. Along with providing package documentation and version history, the Go package discovery site links to Open Source Insights. The Open Source Insights page includes vulnerability information, a dependency tree, and a security score provided by the OpenSSF Scorecard project. Scorecard evaluates projects on more than a dozen security metrics, each backed up with supporting information, and assigns the project an overall score out of ten to help users quickly judge its security stance (example). The Go package discovery site puts all these resources at developers’ fingertips when they need them most—before taking on a potentially risky dependency.

Curated Vulnerability Information

Large consumers of open source software must manage many packages and a high volume of vulnerabilities. For enterprise teams, filtering out noisy, low quality advisories and false positives from critical vulnerabilities is often the most important task in vulnerability management. If it is difficult to tell which vulnerabilities are important, it is impossible to properly prioritize their remediation. With granular advisory details, the Go vulnerability database removes barriers to vulnerability prioritization and remediation.

All vulnerability database entries are reviewed and curated by the Go security team. As a result, entries are accurate and include detailed metadata to improve the quality of vulnerability scans and to make vulnerability information more actionable. This metadata includes information on affected functions, operating systems, and architectures. With this information, vulnerability scanners can reduce the number of false positives using symbol information to filter out vulnerabilities that aren’t called by client code.

Consider the case of GO-2022-0646, which describes an unfixed vulnerability present in all versions of the package. It can only be triggered, though, if a particular, deprecated function is called. For the majority of users, this vulnerability is a false positive—but every user would need to spend time and effort to manually determine whether they’re affected if their vulnerability database doesn’t include function metadata. This amounts to enormous wasted effort that could be spent on more productive security efforts.

The Go vulnerability database streamlines this process by including accurate affected function level metadata for GO-2022-0646. Vulnerability scanners can then use static analysis to accurately determine if the project uses the affected function. Because of Go’s high quality metadata, a vulnerability such as this one can automatically be excluded with less frustration for developers, allowing them to focus on more relevant vulnerabilities. And for projects that do incorporate the affected function, Go’s metadata provides a remediation path: at the time of writing, it’s not possible to upgrade the package to fix the vulnerability, but you can stop using the vulnerable function. Whether or not the function is called, Go’s high quality metadata provides the user with the next step.

Entries in the Go vulnerability database are served as JSON files in the OSV format from vuln.go.dev. The OSV format is a minimal and precise industry-accepted reporting format for open source vulnerabilities that has coverage over 16 ecosystems. OSV treats open source as a first class citizen by including information specific to open source, like git commit hashes. The OSV format ensures that the vulnerability information is both machine readable and easy for developers to understand. That means that not only are the database entries easy to read and browse, but that the format is also compatible with automated tools like scanners. Go provides such a scanner that intelligently matches vulnerabilities to Go codebases.

Low noise, reliable vulnerability scanning

The Go team released a new command line tool, govulncheck, last September. Govulncheck does more than simply match dependencies to known vulnerabilities in the Go vulnerability database; it uses the additional metadata to analyze your project’s source code and narrow results to vulnerabilities that actually affect the application. This cuts down on false positives, reducing noise and making it easier to prioritize and fix issues.

You can run govulncheck as a command-line tool throughout your development process to see if a recent change introduced a new exploitable path. Fortunately, it’s easy to run govulncheck directly from your editor using the latest VS Code Go extension. Users have even incorporated govulncheck into their CI/CD pipeline. Finding new vulnerabilities early can help you fix them before they’re in production.

The Go team has been collaborating with the OSV team to bring source analysis capabilities to OSV-Scanner through a beta integration with govulncheck. OSV-Scanner is a general purpose, multi-ecosystem, vulnerability scanner that matches project dependencies to known vulnerabilities. Go vulnerabilities can now be marked as “unexecuted” thanks to govulncheck’s analysis.

Govulncheck is under active development, and the team appreciates feedback from users. Go package maintainers are also encouraged to contribute vulnerability reports to the Go vulnerability database.

Additionally, you can report a security bug in the Go project itself, following the Go Security Policy. These may be eligible for the Open Source Vulnerability Rewards Program, which gives financial rewards for vulnerabilities found in Google’s open source projects. These contributions improve security for all users and reports are always appreciated.

Security across the supply chain

Google is committed to helping developers use Go software securely across the end-to-end supply chain, connecting users to dependable data and tools throughout the development lifecycle. As supply chain complexities and threats continue to increase, Go’s mission is to provide the most secure development environment for software engineering at scale.

Our next installment in this series on supply chain security will cover how Go’s checksum database can help protect users from compromised dependencies. Watch for it in the coming weeks!

Today, we are excited to announce the deps.dev API, which provides free access to the deps.dev dataset of security metadata, including dependencies, licenses, advisories, and other critical health and security signals for more than 50 million open source package versions.

Software supply chain attacks are increasingly common and harmful, with high profile incidents such as Log4Shell, Codecov, and the recent 3CX hack. The overwhelming complexity of the software ecosystem causes trouble for even the most diligent and well-resourced developers.

We hope the deps.dev API will help the community make sense of complex dependency data that allows them to respond to—or even prevent—these types of attacks. By integrating this data into tools, workflows, and analyses, developers can more easily understand the risks in their software supply chains.

The power of dependency data

As part of Google’s ongoing efforts to improve open source security, the Open Source Insights team has built a reliable view of software metadata across 5 packaging ecosystems. The deps.dev data set is continuously updated from a range of sources: package registries, the Open Source Vulnerability database, code hosts such as GitHub and GitLab, and the software artifacts themselves. This includes 5 million packages, more than 50 million versions, from the Go, Maven, PyPI, npm, and Cargo ecosystems—and you'd better believe we're counting them!

We collect and aggregate this data and derive transitive dependency graphs, advisory impact reports, OpenSSF Security Scorecard information, and more. Where the deps.dev website allows human exploration and examination, and the BigQuery dataset supports large-scale bulk data analysis, this new API enables programmatic, real-time access to the corpus for integration into tools, workflows, and analyses.

The API is used by a number of teams internally at Google to support the security of our own products. One of the first publicly visible uses is the GUAC integration, which uses the deps.dev data to enrich SBOMs. We have more exciting integrations in the works, but we’re most excited to see what the greater open source community builds!

We see the API as being useful for tool builders, researchers, and tinkerers who want to answer questions like:

  • What versions are available for this package?
  • What are the licenses that cover this version of a package—or all the packages in my codebase?
  • How many dependencies does this package have? What are they?
  • Does the latest version of this package include changes to dependencies or licenses?
  • What versions of what packages correspond to this file?

Taken together, this information can help answer the most important overarching question: how much risk would this dependency add to my project?

The API can help surface critical security information where and when developers can act. This data can be integrated into:

  • IDE Plugins, to make dependency and security information immediately available.
  • CI/CD integrations to prevent rolling out code with vulnerability or license problems).
  • Build tools and policy engine integrations to help ensure compliance.
  • Post-release analysis tools to detect newly discovered vulnerabilities in your codebase.
  • Tools to improve inventory management and mystery file identification.
  • Visualizations to help you discover what your dependency graph actually looks like:

    Unique features

    The API has a couple of great features that aren’t available through the deps.dev website.

    Hash queries

    A unique feature of the API is hash queries: you can look up the hash of a file's contents and find all the package versions that contain that file. This can help figure out what version of which package you have even absent other build metadata, which is useful in areas such as SBOMs, container analysis, incident response, and forensics.

    Real dependency graphs

    The deps.dev dependency data is not just what a package declares (its manifests, lock files, etc.), but rather a full dependency graph computed using the same algorithms as the packaging tools (Maven, npm, Pip, Go, Cargo). This gives a real set of dependencies similar to what you would get by actually installing the package, which is useful when a package changes but the developer doesn’t update the lock file. With the deps.dev API, tools can assess, monitor, or visualize expected (or unexpected!) dependencies.

    API in action

    For a demonstration of how the API can help software supply chain security efforts, consider the questions it could answer in a situation like the Log4Shell discovery:

    • Am I affected? - A CI/CD integration powered by the free API would automatically detect that a new, critical vulnerability is affecting your codebase, and alert you to act.
    • Where? - A dependency visualization tool pulling from the deps.dev API transitive dependency graphs would help you identify whether you can update one of your direct dependencies to fix the issue. If you were blocked, the tool would point you at the package(s) that are yet to be patched, so you could contribute a PR and help unblock yourself further up the tree.
    • Where else? - You could query the API with hashes of vendored JAR files to check if vulnerable log4j versions were unexpectedly hiding therein.
    • How much of the ecosystem is impacted? - Researchers, package managers, and other interested observers could use the API to understand how their ecosystem has been affected, as we did in this blog post about Log4Shell’s impact.

    Getting started

    The API service is globally replicated and highly available, meaning that you and your tools can depend on it being there when you need it.

    It's also free and immediately available—no need to register for an API key. It's just a simple, unauthenticated HTTPS API that returns JSON objects:

    # List the advisories affecting log4j 1.2.17
    $ curl https://api.deps.dev/v3alpha/systems/maven/packages/log4j%3Alog4j/versions/1.2.17 \
            | jq '.advisoryKeys[].id'

    A single API call to list all the GHSA advisories affecting a specific version of log4j.

    Check out the API Documentation to get started, or jump straight into the code with some examples.

    Securing supply chains

    Software supply chain security is hard, but it’s in all our interests to make it easier. Every day, Google works hard to create a safer internet, and we’re proud to be releasing this API to help do just that, and make this data universally accessible and useful to everyone.

    We look forward to seeing what you might do with the API, and would appreciate your feedback. (What works? What doesn't? What makes it better?) You can reach us at depsdev@google.com, or by filing an issue on our GitHub repo.