From the course: Nano Tips for Negotiating Your Salary with Sho Dewan

How to ask for a raise

- You're underpaid, my friend, and this is how you know. Remember this, all these factors right here, they determine your pay, and sometimes it's not fair. So follow these steps to make sure your company's not undervaluing you. First, know your market and know what you should be paid. To do that, go to LinkedIn Salary, type in your title and the years of experience, and you get some numbers. If there's a big gap, now you know, now you can address it. Second step, look up a job description for a competitor and see if you hit those skills. And take a look at how your skills compare to what they're looking for. If your current skills exceed them, that's when you know you're underpaid. The last step, now that you've done all that research and know the exact impact that you bring, now it's time to ask your manager for it. Because it's one thing to have all the skills and talent. It's a second thing to ask for it. You got to do both. Good luck.
