From the course: Nano Tips for Negotiating Your Salary with Sho Dewan

Negotiating a salary adjustment

- Even if you love your job and are happy with it, I still want you to negotiate a raise. Because remember this, most companies offer a raise between two or 4% per year, but you know you deserve more. Here are the best ways how to ask for it. One, go on Glassdoor and LinkedIn Salary to know your market value. Once you see the salary ranges, what other competitors are paying, now you have your goal. Second, and probably the most important, know why you deserve it. Create a brag sheet, like this, with your project name, what you did, and the business impact. Number three, schedule time with your manager to talk performance and compensation. And the last step, once you're with your manager, ask for it. With the market research you did and the brag sheet, now you know your worth, and your manager should see it, too. And even if you don't get approved right now, it's still a win-win, because your manager's going to be thinking about you for the future and how he or she can get you to your goals. You deserve to get paid. Now, ask for it. Good luck.
