From the course: Nano Tips for Negotiating Your Salary with Sho Dewan

What recruiters won't tell you about your salary

From the course: Nano Tips for Negotiating Your Salary with Sho Dewan

What recruiters won't tell you about your salary

- Three things, recruiters aren't going to tell you about your salary. Better you know now and get the best offer you can get. For one, their first offer is never their best offer. There's always going to be some wiggle room and if you can't negotiate salary, try negotiating some of these. Second, recruiters calculate your offer based off the salary that you're currently making. If you're underpaid, don't tell'em, let the market dictate your value. And three, recruiters are awesome but in the interview stage it's the hiring manager who makes a last call. Now, you know, let's get you hired and paid.
