From the course: Construction Estimating Takeoff

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- [Instructor] Our worksheet looks like it has some holes in it. Let's try to fill in what we know about the labor material units for the units we have taken off so far. Material pricing should come from a trustworthy source such as a pricing service or a local vendor. The labor units are normally taken from a trade publication from a particular trade group, our National Labor Units Manual. It's the estimator's job to find the correct corresponding material and labor units that reflect the degree of labor to install it. Or as we commonly call it, the labor column. Let me fill in a few prices that I might know here. I know that EMT conduit is about 45 dollars per hundred. See the C? I also know that number 12 THHN wire is 120 dollars per thousand. The labor for half inch EMT conduit is about four and a half hours per hundred. And the labor for number 12 THHN wire is about six hours per thousand. See the units of measure? They're common on both the price and labor columns.
