From the course: Construction Estimating Takeoff

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Labor column notes

Labor column notes

- [Instructor] Although we've been filling in labor columns as we go along, I thought it'd be good to reemphasize a few points. First the labor column. Most labor unit publications have different labor columns to reflect the degree of difficulty in installing the material. They're usually something like normal, difficult, and more difficult, or very difficult. Take a look at this chart. On the chart you'll see there's a description of the material and the different degrees of labor difficulty for the installation. For instance, half inch Rigid Steel Conduit installed under normal conditions has a labor factor of 6.2 hours per hundred. Three inch Rigid Conduit will be installed at 28 hours per hundred under difficult circumstances, and so on. Notice this note at the bottom. It tells us that if you're using similar material, Aluminum threaded Conduit, the labor units are almost the same except for we add 18%. Just be sure when you're copying over your labor units to your takeoff sheet…
