From the course: Construction Estimating Takeoff

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Assemblies and other quantity takeoffs

Assemblies and other quantity takeoffs - Accubid Tutorial

From the course: Construction Estimating Takeoff

Assemblies and other quantity takeoffs

- [Instructor] In some instances, you may be able to take off a group of materials and call them an assembly and then just multiply them onto the takeoff sheet. For instance, you might know that every interior door has a door, a handle, three hinges, and a door block. Why take off all those pieces individually when you can just write down the assembly, as long as you're able to put the material and labor to it correctly. It's a different trade, but I think you know what I'm talking about. I'll put it right here, interior door assembly, five of them. Maybe they'll be a price of $465 each. Maybe the labor will be five hours each. Adjust our sheet. You'll see the use of e for the unit of measure. You'll see that the assembly is listed here and the quantity.
