From the course: Database Foundations: Intro to Databases

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Install Azure Data Studio

Install Azure Data Studio

- [Instructor] We're going to install Azure Data Studio as the graphical user interface client or Gooey, that'll help us manage our RDBMS servers. Some of the features that I find attractive about this particular tool include it's SQL code editor. A lot of database management involves writing out instructions like we saw when using the command line tool. And the code editor that Azure data studio includes has some nice features that help me write and troubleshoot these commands. The software also has an integrated terminal environment. This allows me to easily work with my Docker containers, right within Azure data studio without having to switch to a separate program. And there's a rich community of third-party developers that are building extensions for Azure Data Studio to bring additional functionality to the software so that I can customize it to better meet my needs. Let's head back up to the top of the page and click…
