From the course: Database Foundations: Intro to Databases

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Solution: Create a database

Solution: Create a database

(upbeat music begins) - [Narrator] I hope you were able to create a new database container, and then create a database within the container for the Kinetico company. Let's walk through the solution together. If you still had tabs open from the prior movie, then you can go ahead and close those out, and you'll be prompted to save the text of your query editor, and you can just say no to all of that. Next, I need to open up a new terminal window. So I'll come up here to view, and come down to terminal. That'll start up my powershell terminal. And we're going to create a new container, so we use the docker run command for that. I'm going to name my container Kinetico, then I'll type in a dash E. We need to accept the end user license agreement, so I'll say accept EULA equals Y inside of quotation marks. Then we need to set the password for the system administrator account. And I'm just going to use the same password I've…
