From the course: Design Thinking: Cultivating Curiosity for Empathy and Inclusion

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Why is curiosity important?

Why is curiosity important?

- Why is curiosity important? Well, curiosity supercharges learning. It drives leaders and innovators to question the status quo, explore new ideas, and find creative solutions. Without curiosity, things stay the same and innovation takes a backseat. Psychologists view curiosity as a life force vital to happiness, intellectual growth, and wellbeing. When we're curious, it's not just about finding answers, it's about getting fascinated by everything around us, about possibilities. Curiosity keeps us open to learn, unlearn, and relearn. It also helps us let go of assumptions and find out what's really going on. The letting go of assumption part can be a real struggle, but it's extremely important. Here's a quick story of something that happened to me. In the third year of running my business, The Improv Effect, I was presented with an opportunity that both thrilled and scared me. I was asked if I'd be interested in conducting improv for business classes at the Florida School for the…
