From the course: Design Thinking: Cultivating Curiosity for Empathy and Inclusion

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Curiosity without judgment

Curiosity without judgment

- Our minds are wired to create meaning. We're constantly forming assumptions, making judgements, and seeking patterns. While this instinct has been crucial for human survival, it may not always benefit us in our interactions with others or even towards ourselves. Internally, our narratives may be tainted with bias or self-destructive tendencies. Ultimately, our judgments act as a lens through which we perceive the world, which can often be clouded. Let's consider what would occur if we were to substitute our judgments with curiosity. How would this shift our world and what kind of atmosphere would it create in the workplace? A great example of this is actually what happens when people hear that they're going to be doing a workshop that includes improv. It can be met with a whole lot of skepticism, or even people looking for the nearest exit. Sometimes they even try to find their inhalers. They assume that the experience will be intimidating, frivolous, or completely irrelevant to…
