
The Drupaljam organizers are excited to share something special that you might enjoy!
This year at Drupaljam’s Open Up, we've added an extra track featuring four sessions dedicated to open source, collaboration, and community. We aim to engage in discussions, share ideas, and learn together in an open setting hosted by 3-4 people, inviting all attendees to participate actively.

The sessions include:


Are you ready to showcase your artistic talent? Join our drawing contest and see your design featured at DrupalCon Barcelona 2024!

Our mascot, Mercè, draws inspiration from the vibrant lizard sculptures in Gaudí's Parc Güell, Barcelona. Just like Gaudí's iconic lizard symbolizes resilience and regeneration in nature, Mercè embodies the collaborative spirit and adaptability of the Drupal community. Get to know Mercè.

Do you know that the cool project you have been working on recently, on a sprint or just demoed to your coworkers, could be really awesome to also share with the Drupal community? Yes! That’s the spirit of Drupalcon!

Sharing discoveries, explorations, and even bad experiences so that we can learn collectively as an open community.