From the course: Android Studio Essential Training

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Update Intel HAXM software

Update Intel HAXM software

- [Instructor] In order to test your Android apps, you'll need an Android device. And many developers use virtual devices that are run within the Android emulator. If you're working on an Intel-based computer that runs either Windows or Mac, you can significantly speed up the performance of the virtual devices by installing a piece of software called the Hardware Accelerated Execution Manager or HAXM from Intel. This software is stored on GitHub at this webpage at intel/haxm. And you can also get the latest releases by going to the releases folder under the repository. You'll see that there are zip files for both Windows and for Mac. Now you can also get HAXM through the Android Studio SDK Manager. In the SDK Manager, you'll find the HAXM installer here. And the version that's included with Android Studio may not always match the latest version on the GitHub repository. If there's a difference, I recommend…
