From the course: Android Studio Essential Training

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Edit layouts with design and text mode

Edit layouts with design and text mode

From the course: Android Studio Essential Training

Edit layouts with design and text mode

- [Instructor] Android Studio has tools that are dedicated to supporting visual design of your application. In conventional Android apps, your application's visual presentation is determined by XML layout files that are stored in the layout directory under resources. You can open these files in a couple of different ways. If you know the name of the file, you could use the search everywhere feature by pressing the Shift key twice, and then you can start typing the name of the file you want. You can find the file in the project window, or if you're working in an activity or a fragment class that references an XML layout file, you can hold down the Control key on Windows or the Command key on Mac and click the reference. You might see the XML layout file referred to through its resource ID starting with r.layout or as is the case here, you might have an automatically generated binding class that was built from the XML layout…
