From the course: Android Studio Essential Training

Android Studio and IntelliJ IDEA

- [David] Software developers who want to build apps for Android mobile devices need Android Studio, an integrated development environment, or IDE that's available for free from Google. Android Studio is based on IntelliJ IDEA Community edition, a leading Java IDE from Jetbrains. Like Android studio, IntelliJ IDEA is available for Windows, Mac OS and Linux, and the community edition is also free, but you don't need IntelliJ IDEA to create Android apps. Android Studio has everything you need. Android Studio was first announced at the Google IO conference in May of 2013 and was released as a 1.0 product in December of 2014. It's been through many iterations since then. In fact, it's updated frequently between two and four times a year. It inherits great code editing and debugging functionality from IntelliJ IDEA and adds lots of tools that are unique to Android development. Layout editors, resource editors, and managers. Tools for managing the Android SDK and virtual devices, and lots more. This version of the course covers Android Studio, Arctic Fox. That's a name, not a number. And that's because with this version of Android studio, there's a new versioning system. Each version gets a nickname and a number, this version which might've been numbered 4.3 in the old system, is now referred to with a year and a month that are derived from the base product IntelliJ IDEA. So Android Studio, Arctic Fox is also Android Studio version 2020.3.1. There are some new features since the last version of this course. Some windows have moved around change names or appearance, and other features have been improved. My name is David Gassner, and I'd like to welcome you to this tour of the latest version of Android Studio.
