From the course: Piano Lessons: Teach Yourself to Play

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Left-hand C position

Left-hand C position

- Place your left hand in C position. To do this, you'll place your left hand fifth finger on the C below middle C. The bass staff also has five lines and four spaces. The bass clef sign is used to indicate the bass staff. It's sometimes called the F clef because the sign looks like an F and wraps around the line that F is written on. You can see the notes written on the staff that represent the names of the keys you will play in left hand C position. The C, played by five, is written on the second space of the staff. Each next higher note is written on the next higher line or space. The left hand warm up will help you learn the notes of the C position in the bass clef. G, F, E, D, C. G, F, E, D, C. C, D, E, F, G. C, D, E, F, G. G, F, E, D, C. C, D, E, F, G.
