From the course: Piano Lessons: Teach Yourself to Play

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Melodic intervals: 5ths

Melodic intervals: 5ths

- When you skip three white keys, the interval is a fifth. On the staff, a fifth is written from a line to a line or a space to a space. Now you're ready to play fifths on the keyboard. First with your right hand, and then with your left. Place your right hand thumb on middle C, (piano music) Up a fifth, (piano music) then down a fifth. (piano music) Now place your left hand fifth finger on the C below middle C. (piano music) Play up a fifth, (piano music) and then down a fifth. (piano music) In fifths, you'll find melodic fifths in each measure. One two three four. (piano music) It's helpful before playing my fifth to find all of the fifths in the piece. Note too that the dynamics change in this piece as well. One two three four. (piano music) Melodic interval review, reviews all the intervals that you've learned so far. One two three four. (piano music)
