From the course: Piano Lessons: Teach Yourself to Play

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Quarter notes and half notes

Quarter notes and half notes

- [Narrator] Music is made up of short tones and long tones. We write these tones in notes, and we measure their lengths by counting. The combining of notes into patterns is called rhythm. A quarter note is a short note. It gets one count, or beat. A half note is a long note. It gets two counts, or two beats. Now you're ready to use a metronome. There are many kinds of metronomes. This one is electronic. A metronome will help you play your rhythm evenly, and keep a steady beat. You can set your metronome for any tempo or speed. My metronome is set to quarter note equals 80. (rhythmic beeping) That means that I'll play one quarter note for every tick, and there are 80 ticks per minute. Clap the following rhythm. Clap once for each note, counting aloud. Note how the bar lines divide the music into measures of equal duration. A double bar is used at the end. Clap one quarter note for each tick of the metronome. Let the metronome tick twice for the final half note. (rhythmic ticking) One,…
