From the course: iOS 17: iPhone and iPad Essential Training

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Manage messages

Manage messages

- [Instructor] Here, on the main screen in Messages is where you'll see a list of all the text conversations you've had in chronological order with the most recent conversations at the top. Each time you start a new conversation it will be listed here. This is nice because the people that you chat with the most frequently will always be at the top of the list, so if you want to send one of these people a text message, you don't have to type in their number or search through your contacts. Just find the previous conversation you had and tap it. Even if the previous conversation happened two weeks or two months ago, their information is still here and you can just type your message and hit send. Now, alternately, you can also pin messages to the top of this list. If you hold down on the conversation thread, one of the options that pops up in this menu is pin. And when I select that, that conversation gets placed at the top of…
