From the course: iOS 17: iPhone and iPad Essential Training

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View and search your calendar

View and search your calendar

- [Instructor] The built-in calendar app in iOS is great for keeping track of your day-to-day schedule. So let's take a look at how to create and manage your events and appointments with the calendar app. We'll start by opening it up. Now obviously I'm in the iPhone version of the calendar app here, and because of its smaller screen it takes a little practice to learn how to navigate the various views you can use in the app. If you're using the calendar app in the iPad though, it's pretty self-explanatory as you have clearly labeled tabs at the top of the screen to view the calendar by day, week, month, and year. So we're going to focus on the iPhone interface here. So on my iPhone right now, I'm viewing the current day. I can see at the top that it's Monday, August 22nd, 2022 and today's date is highlighted in a red circle. Below this one week row at the top is my schedule for the selected day. This red horizontal line…
