From the course: iOS 17: iPhone and iPad Essential Training

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The top new features in iOS 17

The top new features in iOS 17

- [Instructor] For the most part, iOS 17 and iPadOS 17 are very similar to their predecessors, iOS 16 and iPadOS 16. The majority of features and interface elements have gone mostly unchanged in iOS 17. So we've reused many of the videos from the previous iOS 16 course for this course. And while you may occasionally notice a slight change in the look of a button or a menu, the functionality of these items remains the same, but there are definitely some great new features in iOS 17. So if you're an experienced iPhone or iPad user and you're interested in seeing what's new, there's some movies you should definitely check out. The iPad Stage Manager feature, which makes multitasking on the iPad easy and intuitive, has been improved and smoothed out. Stage Manager is covered in Chapter 1. New to FaceTime, when you make a FaceTime call, and the person you're calling doesn't answer, you can now leave them a video message,…
