From the course: iOS 17: iPhone and iPad Essential Training

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Browse your library and Apple Music

Browse your library and Apple Music

- [Instructor] Now, let's take a look at the Music app in iOS. Now, this chapter assumes that you've already synced your device with the Music app or iTunes on your computer and copied the music you want to it. If you don't know how to do this, go back and watch the chapter on syncing your device with your computer. All right, I'll start by tapping Music on my iPhone. And at this point you should see three or more tabs or categories at the bottom of the screen. However, what you see here depends on whether you've signed up for Apple Music or not, or if you at least have Apple Music activated, Apple Music being Apple's subscription based music streaming and downloading service. in case you're seeing fewer tabs than I have here, you can go to settings to music, and here at the top, make sure show Apple Music is turned on. Now, you don't have to subscribe to Apple Music when you do this, but if you're following along with me…
