Every month, we invite a featured customer to talk about their experience bringing Google Apps into their businesses, sharing insights and suggestions for other teams looking to bring Apps into the workplace. We invite you to join this conversation since it's a great opportunity to get "real world" answers to your questions about Google Apps.

These talks are informal and open. We share an overview from our featured customer and a brief look at Google Apps, followed by Q&A. There's a lot to say about Google Apps, and we figure that our customers are the best people to tell you how they've used Google Apps in business – what's worked, what they've learned, and what they'd recommend to other businesses who might be considering a move to Google Apps.

Next Thursday, February 12, we're pleased to welcome Jud Clift, President and Founder of ASE Technology, who uses Google Apps to manage his print technology business. ASE Technology migrated from Microsoft Exchange and a Blackberry Enterprise Server to Google Apps and since then has used services like Google's email and integrated IM to help field sales reps get faster answers from headquarters when they're out with prospects.

ASE Technology also uses Salesforce.com for Google Apps to manage forecasting and product SKUs to get a more complete picture of sales activity.

We hope you'll join us as Jud shares tips and learning from his migration from Microsoft Exchange to Google Apps. Details follow:

Migrating from Microsoft Exchange to Google Apps: a business perspective
Thursday, February 12, 2009
10:00 a.m. PST, 12:00 p.m. CST, 1:00 p.m. EST

Sign up here.

Serena Satyasai, Google Apps


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