From the course: Becoming a Product Manager: A Complete Guide

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Find competitors as a product manager

Find competitors as a product manager

- Hey guys, welcome back. Let's get our market intelligence on and start finding some competitors. We cannot carve our beautiful Greek statue of a woman with no arms, always no arms, unless we have a large stone. Terrible metaphor? Yeah, probably. But I think you know what I mean. We first need to channel all of our energy into building a list of potential competitors, and once we have that list, then we can start chipping and carving, and making the critical decisions that we need to make as a product manager. Okay, let's get started. And step one, you probably can't guess it. Actually, step one for this is capture. Now, what do I mean by capture? Well, we need to set up some way of recording the competitors we find. Do that before you even start looking for your first competitor. Whatever you use, Evernote, Google Docs, a piece of paper. You can even talk into Siri and have it record something for you. You…
