From the course: Becoming a Product Manager: A Complete Guide

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Introduction to metrics

Introduction to metrics

- Hey everyone, welcome back. This section of the course is about metrics. And this is one of the most important topics that we will be covering in the course for a product manager. As a product manager, basically your entire day, your entire role actually revolves around metrics in some way or another. So we will cover metrics in general. Like what are they? why are they important? Then, how do you pick them? We're going to go over some real life examples of metrics at real tech companies and then we're going to talk about some metrics frameworks that will help you pick and understand your metrics. So pay close attention because this is a big section. So there's a very famous saying that goes, "What gets measured gets managed." And that is by Peter Drucker, who is a very famous old school business consultant, management consultant, that sort of thing. And he was actually most active in the earlier parts of the…
