From the course: Becoming a Product Manager: A Complete Guide

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Tracking your metrics in practice

Tracking your metrics in practice

- Welcome back. So by now you should feel pretty confident about metrics, about what they are, why they're important, and a few ways you can go about choosing your own metrics. And likely if you're joining an established company on a team or something like this, you will probably already have metrics to track, and they'll probably already be actively tracked in the back end. So in the case that you're working for all these companies and the metrics already there, you'll probably be working with an insights team or analytics team, or even a data science team to get the metrics that you're looking for to report. But let's imagine for a moment that you actually have no metrics and you've decided what you want to track using the earlier lectures, but you have no idea. Well, in this lecture, I want to talk about a couple of my favorite tools to track metrics and they're really easy to use. So the first one is probably one of…
