From the course: Becoming a Product Manager: A Complete Guide

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What is Lean Product Development?

What is Lean Product Development?

(upbeat music) - So what is Lean? Well Lean is a product development philosophy that revolves around cutting out all of the unnecessary work or effort, until you're absolutely sure you need to do it for your users or customers. Let's say I have an idea for a food delivery business where someone can just text on their phone, their order to a cell phone number, and we bring him the food, like that. What would you need to make this business a reality? Seriously, put yourself in the position of someone that's going to be starting this business and think about what you would need to get it to be a real thing. Normally, we'd incorporate we'd hire some drivers, we would build a website, we would put out some advertisements, and we would buy a cell phone number for people to text for the food. So to better use resources here, I could have done some work up front myself by doing things like having people text my own cell…
