From the course: Becoming a Product Manager: A Complete Guide

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How to answer interview questions the right way

How to answer interview questions the right way

From the course: Becoming a Product Manager: A Complete Guide

How to answer interview questions the right way

- Welcome back to everybody. Like I said, this lecture is going to be one of the most important tips I can offer you for interviewing as a product manager. As you already know, if you've been watching this course so far, and I hope you have, because what are you doing here, if not? Product management positions are based on making good decisions based on data. If someone asks you what you would do for a product in a particular situation, you never just give them an answer without mentioning how you came to that conclusion and then, why, and then, what are the alternatives? Okay. So, here's a real life example from my actual career. I was once interviewing a candidate for a product management role at an eCommerce company. Everyone's like, Oh, you got to interview this person. She's going to be, she's great. She's got a great resume. Great product manager. So, I'm like, Oh, okay. I'll interview her. We'll…
