From the course: Becoming a Product Manager: A Complete Guide

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More MVP techniques: Explainer, fake landing page, and pitch experiments

More MVP techniques: Explainer, fake landing page, and pitch experiments

From the course: Becoming a Product Manager: A Complete Guide

More MVP techniques: Explainer, fake landing page, and pitch experiments

- Hey guys, welcome back to the course. Let's dive right back in and start talking about more MVP techniques. Now we're going to start talking about ones that require more resource investment, look a little more real, less scrappy, but still pretty scrappy. So the next one we're going to talk about is called the explainer MVP. This is little bit harder to do because it requires some resources to make. Explainers, if you don't know what I'm talking about, are those videos that explain what an app does or what a new feature or feature set will do. They come in two different types, you have tutorial style explainers and sales style explainers. In a tutorial style, you'll see someone manually explaining over a screencast much in the same way that companies use tutorial screencasts to explain how to do certain tasks in their product. In this version, someone will pretend to use a new feature or product and explain what it…
