From the course: Becoming a Product Manager: A Complete Guide

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Working with executives and others

Working with executives and others

- Hey there. So we learned already about how to communicate with engineers and designers. But how about the rest of the groups, like let's say executives, sales, legal, and marketing? Well, let's talk about executives first, and then we'll do a few tips on communicating with the other types of stakeholders. In my early days of being a product manager, I always struggled communicating with executives, it was really tough. I would send them really big emails with tons of detail, and they would almost never get back to me. Later, I found out that the secret to communicating with executives, is being brief. Executives are the busiest people at the company. So sending them compact, but meaningful messages, shows that you value their time. So instead of writing two paragraphs, write two bullet points, but call you say, I won't be able to give them enough information in two bullet points, that's right. And they don't need all…
