From the course: Becoming a Product Manager: A Complete Guide

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How to pick good metrics

How to pick good metrics

- Welcome back, everyone. In this lecture, we're going to talk more about metrics. We're going to talk about how to pick good metrics, what makes a good metric in the first place, and then we'll go into a couple of other details about how metrics roll up into other top level metrics. So, firstly, let's talk about how metrics roll up into other metrics. Let's say that you're working at Facebook, and Facebook's overall metric is to get people on the site and leave them there for a long time. You want people to spend as much time on Facebook as possible. Well, that doesn't mean that if you're working on say the photos part of Facebook or the newsfeed part, that your metric is going to be the amount of time spent on Facebook, or maybe even on that page. it's likely that it would, but sometimes it's not the most important metric. Like I've mentioned before, There are sometimes things that we know that we can track on our…
