From the course: Becoming a Product Manager: A Complete Guide

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Using POP

Using POP

- Hey guys, welcome back to the course. Welcome to this bonus/optional lecture, were I'm going to talk about how you can take your seat sketches, add interaction to them, get them on your phone and take them to the next level using a system called POP. As always, if you're not interested, you're too busy for this stuff this is optional. Skip the lecture, I will see you later. All right, so, in the last two lectures, we got into sketching showed you how to do it, how to think through it. And then we practiced by creating a wireframe set called InstaFood. Now the idea behind sketches are that there are rapid, they're very easy to do pen and paper, that's it. And you can do them really, really quickly. So, if you have an idea, you want to communicate it, you can sketch it out and then show it to someone that instantly bring your communication and your conversation to the next level. It's also incredible useful for…
