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What’s changing Now you can embed Google Drawings files saved in Drive into Google Docs and update the content of linked drawings embedded in Docs. When the source file is updated, you’ll see an “Update” button in the upper right hand corner of the embedded drawing.

Who’s impacted End users

Why you’d use it Instead of having to create drawings manually in a document, you can embed drawings from Drive in a document and refresh the content to keep it current. When you embed a drawing, the drawing is placed in the document, but linked to the original in Google Drawings. By using the “Update” button, you can update the drawing’s content with one click if changes are made to the source file. You can also choose to unlink drawings at a later date.

How to get started 
  • Admins: No action needed. 
  • End users: This feature can be accessed from the “Insert” menu in Docs. For further instructions, check out the Help Center

Helpful links Help Center: Create, insert & edit drawings 

Availability Rollout details 

  • Rapid Release domains: Extended rollout (potentially longer than 15 days for feature visibility) starting on January 7, 2019 
  • Scheduled Release domains: Extended rollout (potentially longer than 15 days for feature visibility) starting on January 7, 2019 

G Suite editions 

  • Available to all G Suite editions

On/off by default? 

  • This feature will be ON by default. 

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Notice the new format for these launch announcements? Give us feedback on it here

What’s changingNow, when you’re working on a chart in Sheets, you can give a design element (such as a bar on a bar graph or a point or line on a line graph) a unique color, instead of all similar elements being the same color. This works for bar charts, column charts, line charts, scatter charts and for certain series in combination charts.

Who’s impactedEnd users
Why you’d use itYou can emphasize a part of a chart by changing its color to a different one than the main color of the series, allowing you to tell a better story.
How to get started
  • Admins: No action needed
  • End users: To learn more about this new feature, check out this Help Center article.
Helpful linksHelp Center: Add & edit a chart or graph

AvailabilityRollout details

G Suite editions
  • Available to all G Suite editions 
On/off by default?
  • This feature will be ON by default.

Notice the new format for these launch announcements? Give us feedback on it here.

Going forward, you may notice changes to the format of our launch announcements on the G Suite Updates blog. Based on customer feedback, we want to make our posts more scannable and readable. All the same information you’re used to seeing will be included, but it will be reorganized with new sections to help you quickly see what’s changing and how it might affect you and your users.

We hope that this new formatting saves you time and makes our launch announcements more useful for you. If you have any suggestions or feedback on the new style, please feel free to let us know here.

The G Suite Launch Announcement team

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We’re adding the ability to view and filter G Suite reports by organizational unit (OU) in the Admin console and the Reports API. This information can make it easier to build more insightful reports and more complete audits.

You could use this to:

  • Compare G Suite usage across OUs - You can drill down to see metrics such as drive storage, active users, and more at an OU level, helping you to measure and track G Suite usage in different areas of your organization. 
  • Improve your investigation efficiency - You can view Audit logs for a particular unit within the company, which can help filter out unrelated events and focus your investigation efforts. 

View data by OU in the Admin console 

To view a report or audit for a specific OU in the Admin console, filter using the left-hand menu. See our Help Center to learn more about account activity logs.

View data by OU through the Reports API 

When you use the Reports API, outputs will include OU information. You can use this to report on and analyze by OU. Find out more about how to use the Reports API.

Launch Details 
Release track:
Launching to both Rapid Release and Scheduled Release 

Available to all G Suite editions

Rollout pace: 
Gradual rollout (up to 15 days for feature visibility)

Admins only

Admin action suggested/FYI

More Information 
Help Center: Account activity reports 
Get started with the Reports API

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Update (May 20, 2019): This beta is now closed and will no longer be accepting new applicants.

Soon, people without Google accounts will be able to view, comment, suggest edits to, and directly edit Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides files.

Organizations often work on documents with external vendors, partners, contractors, and customers. When these partners don't have Google accounts, it is a significant barrier for collaboration.

We are introducing a beta for an easy pincode identity verification process that will enable G Suite users to invite non-G Suite users to collaborate on files as visitors, using PINs (Personal Identification Numbers). Below is an example of how it works:

File owners and admins are in full control of sharing 

File owners can view all the detailed activity on their files and see where it originated, and revoke access from the Drive sharing dialog at any time. Admins can manage all external sharing and audit usage. For more information on sharing settings, check out this Help Center article.

Apply to join Pincode Sharing in Drive Beta 

Pincode Sharing in Drive is launching initially in beta.

Launch Details 
Beta is available to all G Suite editions

Admins and end users

Admin action suggested/FYI

More Information 
Help Center: Set Drive users' sharing permission

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To simplify how you can control app access for your users, we’re removing the “Uninstall” feature from the G Suite Admin console. Uninstall was a legacy way to remove a G Suite apps or additional Google service for everyone in your organization, but it’s been replaced by settings to turn apps on or off for users. The uninstall feature will be removed on January 15, 2019. There will be no end user visible impact to the change.

No end user impact to changes 

This change will not affect your users’ access to individual apps in any way. Users will continue to have access to the apps they can access today:

  • If an app was OFF for users before it was uninstalled, it will now reappear in the list of Google services in the admin console set to OFF. Users will still not have access to it. 
  • If an app was ON for some users before it was uninstalled, it will continue to be set ON for those users in the Admin console. It will just reappear in the list of Google services with the state it was in before it was uninstalled. 

Manage access to apps in the Admin console by turning them on or off 

You can control which users can access particular Google apps and additional services by turning them on or off in the Admin console. When users sign in to their account, they see only services that are turned on for them. You can turn apps on or off by Organizational Unit, and we recently added the ability to turn apps on for specific Google Groups.

See our Help Center to find out more about how to control who can access Google services.

More Information 
Help Center: Control who can access Google services

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We’re adding new features to the G Suite security center. The security center is a set of tools that brings together security analytics, actionable insights and best practice recommendations from Google to empower you to protect your organization, data and users.

We’re making a range of performance and functionality improvements to the security center, but here are the key changes to look out for:

Create more informative and focused dashboards with custom charts 

You can now save custom charts to the security dashboard. This can help you customize the dashboard and ensure that it focuses on what is most interesting to you and your organization. You can create a custom chart based on any log event query you make in the investigation tool. Use our Help Center to learn more about the security dashboard or how to create a custom charts for the dashboard.

You can save custom charts to ensure your security dashboard is focused on what you care about 

More insights into Gmail incidents with post-delivery event logs 

We’re adding new email log events that show information around what happens to emails after they are sent or received. This helps to remove the guesswork when dealing with Gmail incidents and enables you to better understand what is happening in your organization.

New events include: Open, Mark Unread, Reply, Autoforward, Move to Inbox, Move to Trash, Move out of Trash, Link Click, Attachment Download, and Attachment Save to Drive. Use our Help Center to learn more about how to use email event logs.
See details of post-delivery events for Gmail messages

Launch Details 
Release track:
Launching to both Rapid Release and Scheduled Release

The G Suite Security Center is available to G Suite Enterprise and Enterprise for Education editions only

Rollout pace: 
Full rollout (1–3 days for feature visibility)

Admins only

Admin action suggested/FYI

More Information 
Help Center: About the security center
Help Center: Security dashboard
Help Center: Create a custom chart based on an investigation
Help Center: About email search log

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As a G Suite admin, you can now get more detailed and helpful information in the Admin console about emails that have been marked as spam. The Email Search Log tool will now show the reason an email was flagged as spam, as well as other warnings users may see about suspicious emails.

This new information will help you understand the steps that our spam classification system takes to protect end-users and will assist in managing email traffic. To access the tool, from the Admin console Home page, go to Reports > Audit > Email log search. See our Help Center to get more details on the Email Log Search tool.

Digging deeper into spam 

When using the Email Log Search to locate spam, you’ll now receive detailed data about the spam and annotations about the messages, including:
  • The reason an email was or was not marked as spam 
  • When anomaly banners are triggered by suspicious attachments or a phishing attack 

See the Help Center to learn how you, as an admin, can download Email Log Search results to a CSV file or open them in Google Sheets for easy viewing.

Launch Details
Release track:
Launching to both Rapid Release and Scheduled Release

Available to all G Suite editions

Rollout pace:
Full rollout (1–3 days for feature visibility)

Admins and end users

Admin action suggested/FYI

More Information
Help Center: Interpret Email Log Search results

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 We’re making Box for G Suite available for all G Suite customers, bringing Google's rich content creation and editing experiences directly into Box so that companies can stay productive and accelerate their work.

Admins can enable the integration from within the Box Admin Console.

Check out this blog post and the Box Community for more information.

Launch Details

Available to all G Suite editions

Rollout pace: 
Gradual rollout to all Box users through mid-January 2019

All end users

Admin action suggested/FYI

More Information 
Box Community
G Suite blog post

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