To simplify how you can control app access for your users, we’re removing the “Uninstall” feature from the G Suite Admin console. Uninstall was a legacy way to remove a G Suite apps or additional Google service for everyone in your organization, but it’s been replaced by settings to turn apps on or off for users. The uninstall feature will be removed on January 15, 2019. There will be no end user visible impact to the change.

No end user impact to changes 

This change will not affect your users’ access to individual apps in any way. Users will continue to have access to the apps they can access today:

  • If an app was OFF for users before it was uninstalled, it will now reappear in the list of Google services in the admin console set to OFF. Users will still not have access to it. 
  • If an app was ON for some users before it was uninstalled, it will continue to be set ON for those users in the Admin console. It will just reappear in the list of Google services with the state it was in before it was uninstalled. 

Manage access to apps in the Admin console by turning them on or off 

You can control which users can access particular Google apps and additional services by turning them on or off in the Admin console. When users sign in to their account, they see only services that are turned on for them. You can turn apps on or off by Organizational Unit, and we recently added the ability to turn apps on for specific Google Groups.

See our Help Center to find out more about how to control who can access Google services.

More Information 
Help Center: Control who can access Google services

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