What’s changingWe’ve added the ability to export detailed information about all Hangouts Meet hardware devices in a domain to a Google Sheet or CSV file in a single action.
Who’s impactedAdmins only
Why you’d use itHaving access to up-to-date information about all Meet devices allows G Suite admins to better understand usage across their entire organization by:

  • Populating data for reports/dashboards
  • Auditing organization-wide peripherals usage
  • Analyzing data for external systems such as ticket/support system or financial functions such as asset tracking or inventory management
How to get started

Depending on the selected format the information can then be viewed in Google Sheets, or downloaded as a CSV file.
  • End users: No action required
Additional informationThere are 36 fields exported for each device, each into its own column.
Helpful links

AvailabilityFully rolled out to all domains

G Suite editions

  • Available to all G Suite Editions

On/off by default?

  • This feature will be OFF by default

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