What’s changingWe’re announcing Google Assignments, which will be initially available in beta. Assignments is a relaunch of Course Kit and includes new features that improve assignment and grading workflows for instructors, like originality reports and rubrics. Overall, it delivers an improved, expanded, and more user-end focused experience.

End users can now use Assignments as a standalone companion that does not require an admin to turn on. Or, it can be used as an LTI tool within an LMS, which requires admin action. See more details below.
Who’s impactedAdmins and end users
Why you’d use itAssignments lets you quickly and securely create, analyze, and grade coursework, while empowering students to learn more effectively using the collaborative tools of G Suite for Education.

If you currently use Classroom, you already have access to the features and capabilities of Assignments, including our new originality reports. For all other users, Assignments gives you access to these features as a complement to your school’s LMS.
How to get startedThere are two ways to access Assignments: as a standalone companion to your LMS, with minimal set up required; or, as an LTI tool integrated with your LMS.
  • Admins:
    • G Suite for Education admins can express interest in the Assignments Beta here.
    • Assignments is available as an LTI tool which can be used within your LMS.
    • Assignments is an improved and expanded version of Course Kit, so if you’re already in the Course Kit Beta, you’ll automatically have access to Assignments.
  • End users:
    • End users can express interest in the Assignments Beta here, no additional setup is required. 
    • You can start using Assignments from your Google app menu or at assignments.google.com. Visit our Help Center for detailed instructions on getting started with Assignments. 
Additional detailsAssignments is built to Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) standards, making it compatible with any LMS that supports LTI version 1.1 or higher. This allows for instructors to share links to student work directly from Assignments through their LMS and export grades to Google Sheets or as a CSV file for input into their LMS.
Helpful linksAvailabilityG Suite editions
  • Available to G Suite for Education and G Suite Enterprise for Education
  • Not available to G Suite Basic, G Suite Enterprise, G Suite Business, and G Suite for Nonprofits
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