We’ve released some improvements to make it easier and quicker to use the functions feature in spreadsheets.

- Help snippets directly in spreadsheets: Instead of always manually building a formula, spreadsheets will now offer suggested functions and explanations of that particular function. This also supports nested functions allowing for even more complex formulas.

Release track:

Editions included:
Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

Languages included:
US English Only, other languages to follow

How to access what's new:
- Start typing a formula into a cell, now there's an auto-suggest box with the name and syntax of the function you might be looking for. Mouse over any of the suggested functions, and see a description that explains the function, its syntax, and how it’s used.

For more information:
Functions Help Center: https://docs.google.com/support/bin/static.py?page=table.cs&topic=25273

*Rapid Release track: Domains with ‘Enable scheduled releases’ checkbox disabled in the administrator control panel. Learn more

New look on the way for Google and Google Apps. Find out more at http://whatsnew.googleapps.com/new-look

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