A preview is now available of the new version of presentations with faster collaboration and more features.

In the new presentations, we’ve added many of your most requested features, including:
- Transitions to move between slides with simple fades or spicier 3D effects
- Animations to add emphasis or to make your slides more playful
- New themes to create beautiful presentations with distinct visual styles
- Drawings to build new designs, layouts, and flowcharts within a presentation
- Rich tables with merged cells and more options for adding style to your data

Release track:

Editions included:
Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

Languages included:
All languages supported by Google Presentations

How to access what's new:
In your document list, click on the gear icon and select ‘Document settings.’ Then, from the editing tab, check the box to “Create new presentations using the latest version of the presentation editor.”

Note: Many of the new features were built using technologies that are only available in modern browsers. If you’re using an older browser you’ll be able to view, but not edit, the new presentations.

For more information:

*Rapid Release track: Domains with ‘Rapid release’ checkbox enabled in the administrator control panel. Learn more

New look on the way for Gmail, Calendar, Docs and Sites! Find out more at whatsnew.googleapps.com/new-look

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