We have added a new feature to Admin console reporting called aggregate reports. The aggregate reports are designed to provide domain-level trends across multiple apps and allows admins to select their favorite reports for regular tracking.

The first version contains a series of charts displaying Google+ Hangouts usage, account status, admin status, storage quota, document visibility, email count, and Drive file count for all people within your Google Apps domain.

These new reports are best used for seeing overview trends. The user-level reports should be used for detailed user-level data. Admins can easily export the report directly to a Google Sheet or download it as CSV.

We will soon be adding many more reports to this section like usage trends for mobile, mail spam reports and many others so stay tuned.

To access the aggregate reports, sign in to the Admin console and click Reports > Aggregate Reports.

Release track:
Rapid release and Scheduled release

For more information:
Help Center

Note: all launches are applicable to all Google Apps editions unless otherwise noted

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