To control the flow of information across their organizations, G Suite admins often need increased visibility into the new Google Sites being created by their users. For instance, they may notice outdated information on a site and need to contact the owner to ensure that it's updated. Or they may see duplicative content on two sites and need to resolve the redundancies with those sites' owners. To help admins do this, we’re adding a feature in the new Google Sites that will make it easier for an admin to get additional information about individual sites.

See the owner of a site and request edit access 

When browsing a site in their domain, admins with appropriate permissions will see a “Site details” button in the footer of the site. When they click this footer, they’ll see:
  • The site owner’s email address 
  • The date the site was last published 
  • An option to “Request edit access” 

Required admin permissions 

Super admins and any other admins with the “View details of new Google Sites” privilege will be able to see the site details link in a site’s footer.

Note that this feature does not automatically give G Suite admins the ability to edit Google Sites. They’ll still need to contact the site’s owner and request permission to directly edit.

Launch Details
Release track:
Launching to both Rapid Release and Scheduled Release

Available to all G Suite editions

Rollout pace: 
Full rollout (1–3 days for feature visibility)

Admins only

Admin action suggested/FYI

More Information 
Help Center for end users: Invite others to edit your site 
Help Center for admins: Administrator privilege definitions

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