We’re introducing grammar suggestions in Google Docs along with a revamped interface for spelling and grammar review. The new features build on the existing spell check functionality to also highlight possible grammar errors in your text and help you correct them. This will help you spend less time checking and proofreading your work and make your writing easier to understand.

These features will initially launch as an Early Adopter Program (EAP). Find out more at g.co/GrammarEAP.

New grammar suggestions 

When Docs detects a possible grammar correction, it will underline it in blue to indicate you might want to check it. You can right-click to see a suggested correction or dismiss the alert. Possible grammar errors will also show up when you run a spelling and grammar check through the tools menu.

New comprehensive language review interface 

We’ve also made it easier to review all language suggestions for a given document with an updated the spelling and grammar check tool in Docs. To launch it, either use the “Tools” menu or right-click on a suggestion and select “Review more suggestions.” The tool will then show you each suggestion and help you take action to correct any errors.

Automated tool to make working in Docs more efficient 

Docs uses machine learning technology to recognize and help correct potential grammar errors in real time. Docs already uses intelligence to help you assign action items, find relevant content, and identify spelling mistakes. We’ll continue to build intelligent solutions to help you get more done and collaborate better through G Suite.

Early Adopter Program for grammar suggestions now open

To take advantage of these features, apply to join the EAP. You can review the eligibility requirements and apply to join at g.co/GrammarEAP.

More Information 
Early Adopter Program sign-up form
The Keyword: Work reimagined: new ways to collaborate safer, smarter and simpler with G Suite 

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