We’re adding new tools to help admins identify suspicious activity and see the impact of security policy changes. G Suite admins have an important role in protecting their users’ accounts and ensuring their organization’s security. To succeed, they need visibility into user account actions. That’s why we’re adding reports in the G Suite Admin console that surface more information on user account activity.

Monitor suspicious account behavior 

G Suite admins can use the reports to audit and set alerts for critical user actions including:

  • Password changes 
  • Two-step verification enabling or disabling 
  • Account recovery info changes (phone number, security questions, and recovery email) 

Filter actions taken by a specific user account 

Visibility into these actions will help admins identify suspicious account behavior and detect when user accounts may have been compromised. For example, an admin might see that a user has recently changed both their password and their password recovery info. This can be a sign of a hijacker taking over the account. Using these reports an admin could track time and IP address of the changes to see if it seems suspicious. Depending on their investigation, they could then take appropriate action (eg: password reset, disable 2-step verification) to restore the user account.

Visit the Help Center to find out how to monitor user account activity and set alerts for suspicious actions.

See the impact of security policy changes 

The new reports can also be used to provide visibility into an organization's security initiatives. For example, an admin could monitor the progress of a domain-wide initiative to increase the adoption of two-step verification.

To see this report, go to the Admin console > Reports > Audit > Users Accounts.

Filter actions by date and type 

Launch Details 
Release track:
Launching to both Rapid Release and Scheduled Release

Available to all G Suite editions

Rollout pace: 
Gradual rollout (up to 15 days for feature visibility)

Admins only

Admin action suggested/FYI

More Information 
Help Center: User Accounts audit log

Launch release calendar
Launch detail categories
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