We’re adding new Jamboard logs to the Admin console. These will give G Suite admins better visibility into the status of their Jamboards, as well as what actions have been taken on them. We hope this will help you better manage your fleet of Jamboards and better diagnose and fix any issues you have with them.

Easily access logs of Jamboard actions 

Logs will be displayed with simple descriptions, and admins will be able to search within and filter these logs to quickly see important information about the status of their Jamboards. The logs will include:

  • Recent changes to Jamboard settings, such as device name, location, screensaver timeout, device updates, and more 
  • For recent settings changes, who made the changes, as well as both the old and new value (where possible) 

Following our previous announcement that we’ve moved Jamboard fleet management to the G Suite Admin console, these logs will be in the G Suite Admin console at Home > Reporting > Audit.

Pinpoint and fix Jamboard issues 

This information can help admins:
Diagnose issues: For example, if a Jamboard is offline, an admin can review the logs to see when it went offline and see when the device was last rebooted. This can help you narrow down and fix the possible cause of the connectivity issues more quickly.

Save time: For example, if a Jamboard user reports an unhelpful change or is experiencing an issue, admins will be able to see when recent on-device settings were changed. This could help narrow down the issue and track admin actions taken for the board, which helps avoid duplicating any steps that have already been tried.

See our Help Center for more information on how to manage Jamboards.

Launch Details 
Release track:
Launching to both Rapid Release and Scheduled Release 

Available to all G Suite editions

Rollout pace:
Full rollout (1–3 days for feature visibility)

Admins only

Admin action suggested/FYI

More Information 
Help Center: Manage your Jamboards

Launch release calendar
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