From the course: Houdini Essential Training

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Basic box up modeling

Basic box up modeling

- [Instructor] Now we're just going to take a look at how to do the standard box-up modeling procedure in Houdini, just from its raw initial start points. And this is often a way that you'll start crafting out a more complex model, starting with a simple cube, and then building upon that to build a more complex shape. So we have a little box object here that we've built, and we're going to go inside there, hit the escape key to go into view mode so I can reframe up our scene a little bit better, then go to just headlight lighting to get rid of any of the actual scene lighting, and there we go. Now we're going to start actually just modeling up something very simple, but just showing you some of the fundamental techniques of doing this. So we have a box, and it's a polygon mesh, and we're going to change the scale to three. I'm going to go to my viewport, I'm going to click my select icon, I'm going to make sure we're in primitive select mode here, I'm going to select all the…
