From the course: Houdini Essential Training

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- [Instructor] In this video, we're going to take a look at the desktops feature in Houdini. Desktops are presets of different pane and tab layouts to allow us to switch between different UI setups in Houdini. Some of this can be personal preference. Some of this can be sort of efficiency for what sort of process you're working on. A lot of it just depends what you like and what your layout needs are. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to go to this to menu here it says build and you can see that this is all our different preset desktop that ship with Houdini. For example, I'll switch to LookDev. And you can see that the whole UI changes around certain things go away, a lot more stuff gets added in. And as you can see, this kind of points the modularity and customization of Houdini's user interface. I'm going to go back to build. And what we're going to do is we're going to do what we did in our panes video and we're going to save that as a desktop. So just starting with the basic…
