From the course: Houdini Essential Training

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Geometry types

Geometry types

- [Instructor] Now we're going to look at an overview of the different types of geometry available in Houdini and this isn't the different shapes, but it's actually the different type of geometry that the shape is made of. So what we're going to do is, I'm going to lay down a sphere in our scene. So I got a sphere in the center here, make the Translate zero, the y negative one, and the z zero, scale this up to six to make it bigger. So here we go, we have a sphere. I'm going to click the cursor here to get rid of that manipulator and there we go. Rotate it a little bit so we can see its pole, make it 45 degrees on the x. Line this up with our other objects and hit the I key to go inside and here we go, and here we have our sphere. And the point of this video is really to look at this Primitive Type drop down menu. You can see that we have quite a number of things. Let's go through them. First we have Primitive and this is a sort of a basic default internal shape and we have these for…
