From the course: Houdini Essential Training

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- [Instructor] In this video we're going to take a look at Houdini's preferences and these can be found under the edit menu. We'll go to preferences and we'll just select this first option, general user interface. We can select any one of the sections of the preferences directly this way but we're just going to open up the first option here. And now that we've got our preferences window open there's two ways we can go to the different windows of the preferences menu. We can select this drop down menu and you can see we can select between quite a number of different areas. As well as we can use these little arrows just to toggle between them. Now we're not going to look at every single preference individually, there's quite a number of things. Often when you're starting out there's really not that much you need to change. So I'm just going to show you a few important things that are just kind of key things that you might need to know in the beginning. So let's go over to save and load…
