From the course: Houdini Essential Training

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Tree view

Tree view

- [Instructor] The tree-view is a great way to be able to see a breakdown of our scene in Houdini, and so lets look over at the tree-view tab here, and you can see that we've got the root at the top level, and than all these default contexts here, and than any context that has more within it, it has a little plus sign, and we can open that up, and obviously this just looks like a folder and file structure where we have a root level and than multiple folders and within those folders, there are more folders. And we can keep drilling into these various nodes until we get to individual nodes, where there no more sub-networks or other contacts within those. So we can drill down to the very low level, and than we can look also look at higher level of our various objects. It also really helps get familiarized with the paradigm that everything in Houdini is accessible basically being via a path just like you would a folder or a file on a computer system, where we have slash which would be the…
