From the course: Houdini Essential Training

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Emitting particles from attributes

Emitting particles from attributes - Houdini Tutorial

From the course: Houdini Essential Training

Emitting particles from attributes

- [Instructor] Now that we've seen how we can create velocity on an object and emit particles from that object, now we're going to take this another step further, because often we don't just want to be emitting particles from all over an object. Often we want to determine specific areas of an object we want to emit particles from. So here we go, we have another little weird organic space alien blob shape going on where we've just created some noise and SOPs. And you can see there's a system I've built that makes, towards the outer edges of this animated amorphous shape, you can see that it becomes red. And this is all dynamic, there's no texture map or anything, that's all just happening on the fly depending on how this shape is operating. And you then can go into this particle source node and you can look, and not that complex of a network, but I have a few different VOPs ops that I've made that are handling the noise and the color information and you can explore that at your leisure…
