From the course: Houdini Essential Training

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- [Narrator] Now we're going to take a look at subnetworks. And we've actually used this term before because we have some subnetworks already in our top object level. For example, the training room object here is a subnetwork that if I click on and go inside, you can see this is made up of a different bunch of geometry nodes that comprise this overall room that we've been using as our base for our scene. And subnetworks are a really important concept in Houdinin 'cause very often we are packaging up groups of things reducing them down to a subnetwork and then let's say exposing different parameters that we want to manipulate within those subnetworks. We just talked about exposing different parameters, for example, in VOP SOP, it's where we create a complex system and then we just expose just a couple of those parameters to manipulate that system and this is another area where that can come into play. This can be further extended because one of the really powerful things we can do in…
